A Flock of Seagulls
Aunt Beckynha sent us lovely gifts a few weeks ago and we were yet to post a picture of Isabella wearing one of the onesies that just says it all. That hair makes mom reminisce of times of old, a time of crazy (bad) hair, shoulder pads, leggings and the unexplainable legwarmers :P
By the way, the hair here was not done by dad. This is baby's actual 'do.
this is THE coolest picture ever! :D
it´s been pretty while since I wrote here last time, but I am visiting and seeing the pictures everyday! just love it! can´t wait till xmas to meet my first nephew :D
miss yall!
uncle bernie
Bernardo, at 3/5/07 20:10
I decided to google for "Flock of Seagulls", to see what does that mean, but I wish I didn't.
Anonymous, at 4/5/07 05:17
Just wait until her bangs are long enough and you can do the "poof" that girls did in the 80s. And inexplicibly, some still do today. Eight cans of hairspray is NOT ENOUGH!!!!!!!!!
Anonymous, at 4/5/07 12:25
oh c'mon, i use legwarmers... :P
Melissa, at 4/5/07 13:03
This hair reminds me someone...
Anonymous, at 4/5/07 16:02
Eu acredito que Lara tem uma foto sua com ela, e este cabelo me lembra o seu da foto :P
Tal Mãe...Tal filha!!!
Bellinha you rock \o/
Tia Marselle
Anonymous, at 6/5/07 19:23
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