Lil' Genghis, future world leader Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Chillin' with Ligia and Duda

So Lil' Genghis had another visit from Aunt Ligia, who probably finds this area's weather A) not as bad as Buffalo, where she raised two children; and B) a God-awful mess compared to Brazil. =)

Anyway, Aunt Ligia and Uncle Eddie popped by for a few hours today, during which time Uncle Humberto called in to talk to Lil' Genghis. And then we all went out to eat. Lil' Genghis even tried sushi (!), though dad thinks she was just trying to get at the rice. A few more months until she turns 2 years old, and then we can try to introduce her to stuff like shrimp and peanut butter and AK-74s with Bulgarian 45-round clips. Er, wait.

Anyway, some photos from today:
DSCF3202 from album 090110-Ligia and Duda visit
DSCF3202 from album 090110-Ligia and Duda visit

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DSCF3213 from album 090110-Ligia and Duda visit
Is it possible to get too much love? Well, Uncle Eddie seems to be having a hard time breathing under all that love!

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DSCF3228 from album 090110-Ligia and Duda visit
No, there are few hats like this in Brazil. =)

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DSCF3181 from album 090110-Ligia and Duda visit

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DSCF3187 from album 090110-Ligia and Duda visit
There are aunts, and there are cool aunts, and then there are the cool aunts that bring Dora the Explorer stickers.

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DSCF3193 from album 090110-Ligia and Duda visit

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DSCF3195 from album 090110-Ligia and Duda visit

We still have to post some videos. Soonly.


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