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Saturday, December 19, 2009

Back in time

Thanks to Uncle Nick, we have some priceless photos from the Stucka family scrapbook.

JohnStuckaII,May1944 from album 091219-Historic Stucka photos 1930s
JohnStuckaII,May1944 from album 091219-Historic Stucka photos 1930s

Yes, that's Grandpa John, all right.

MaryFuchilaStucka from album 091219-Historic Stucka photos 1930s
MaryFuchilaStucka from album 091219-Historic Stucka photos 1930s

Great-grandma Mary, Grandpa John's mother

JohnStuckaIfuneralprocession,PresofWeldingUnionNext2car from album 091219-Historic Stucka photos 1930s
JohnStuckaIfuneralprocession,PresofWeldingUnionNext2car from album 091219-Historic Stucka photos 1930s

The funeral procession of Great-Grandpa John

JohnStuckaI,bottomrow,4thfromright from album 091219-Historic Stucka photos 1930s
JohnStuckaI,bottomrow,4thfromright from album 091219-Historic Stucka photos 1930s

And Great-Grandpa John again, said to be bottom row, 4th from right.

Thanks, Uncle Nick! There are more photos in the album.


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