Lil' Genghis, future world leader Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Lil' Genghis, Grandpa John, and food

Lil' Genghis knows the most direct way to Grandpa John's heart is through food, so she tried feeding him some of hers:
DSCF1511 from album 080309-Isabella feeding Grandpa John
DSCF1511 from album 080309-Isabella feeding Grandpa John

DSCF1512 from album 080309-Isabella feeding Grandpa John
DSCF1512 from album 080309-Isabella feeding Grandpa John

DSCF1506 from album 080309-Isabella feeding Grandpa John
DSCF1506 from album 080309-Isabella feeding Grandpa John


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