Lil' Genghis, future world leader Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Heeeeeere's Bella!

American author Stephen King called it "The Shining," and British filmmaker Stanley Kubrick kept the name intact when he made the film -- except he made it "Stanley Kubrick's 'The Shining.'" Brazilians know it as "O Iluminado." Lil' Genghis knows it as a fun day in the park:
DSCF2374 from album 082408-Fun at water park
DSCF2374 from album 082408-Fun at water park

DSCF2363 from album 082408-Fun at water park
DSCF2363 from album 082408-Fun at water park

DSCF2360 from album 082408-Fun at water park
DSCF2360 from album 082408-Fun at water park

DSCF2358 from album 082408-Fun at water park
DSCF2358 from album 082408-Fun at water park

DSCF2343 from album 082408-Fun at water park
DSCF2343 from album 082408-Fun at water park

Yeah, the focus is off, etc, etc, but this is still kinda cool, eh?

And there's this introspective one here:
DSCF2350 from album 082408-Fun at water park
DSCF2350 from album 082408-Fun at water park

We also got some videos. The one in which she runs from an erupting water spout is just priceless.


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