Fun in the snow
mom, dad, Uncle Eddie, boydog and girldog had lots of fun in the snow yesterday. Lil' Genghis, on the other hand, didn't quite know what to do.
But first, a diversion. boydog's real name is Chewie, and he's a Shih Tzu. A Shih Tzu named Chewie is credited with saving hisowner pet's life; ommenters on Fark are tossing around lines about Chewbacca, like "Great, kid. Don't get too cocky." And then there's the link to Holy Shih-Tzu!, which has the funniest banner we've seen in a while.
Anyway, so back to us. Lil' Genghis didn't quite know what to do in the snow:
Of course, the dogs knew exactly what to do: kill dad. Here's the assassination attempt on tape:
But wait! There's more! Just for looking at this page today, you get a bonus video of Lil' Genghis with Uncle Eddie! And we'll throw in free shipping and handling!
And another bonus! We have girldog rushing through the snow:
We have another video, of boydog and girldog play-fighting, much as they'd used to do, but YouTube hasn't even recognized that it's been uploaded yet.
On the tech side of things, YouTube now has a multi-video uploader. So far we're 2 for 3 in Internet Explorer; it doesn't work at all in Firefox 3.0b3.
Behind the scenes, dad is also working to put every photo we have online, beginning with the most recent. He was up until 2 a.m. and up again at 7:30 a.m. trying to get the thing to work the way he wants; more on this later. Beta testers and feedback welcome -- just e-mail him.
Oops, now YouTube at least recognized that there's another video coming. Here are boydog and girldog in rare form. This, pretty much, is what an entire week looked like the first time they met, though she started going for legs and not throat. He still likes being an earring, neh?
But first, a diversion. boydog's real name is Chewie, and he's a Shih Tzu. A Shih Tzu named Chewie is credited with saving his
Anyway, so back to us. Lil' Genghis didn't quite know what to do in the snow:
Of course, the dogs knew exactly what to do: kill dad. Here's the assassination attempt on tape:
But wait! There's more! Just for looking at this page today, you get a bonus video of Lil' Genghis with Uncle Eddie! And we'll throw in free shipping and handling!
And another bonus! We have girldog rushing through the snow:
We have another video, of boydog and girldog play-fighting, much as they'd used to do, but YouTube hasn't even recognized that it's been uploaded yet.
On the tech side of things, YouTube now has a multi-video uploader. So far we're 2 for 3 in Internet Explorer; it doesn't work at all in Firefox 3.0b3.
Behind the scenes, dad is also working to put every photo we have online, beginning with the most recent. He was up until 2 a.m. and up again at 7:30 a.m. trying to get the thing to work the way he wants; more on this later. Beta testers and feedback welcome -- just e-mail him.
Oops, now YouTube at least recognized that there's another video coming. Here are boydog and girldog in rare form. This, pretty much, is what an entire week looked like the first time they met, though she started going for legs and not throat. He still likes being an earring, neh?
não dá para ver foto e nem video...Dá uma olhada aí no seu comp e veja se não deu problema. Pois as outras fotos e videos postads em outros dias, estou conseguindo ver.
Snif...Snif...Pelo texto, as fotos e o video devem estar muito engraçados!
Mande um beijo para todos daí, e um especial para o meu LOVERBOY...Saudades dele dormindo no colchão comigo, e embaixo da coberta quando eu apagava lá embaixo mesmo da outra casa...
Arf...Arf...Arf...Slurb...Slurb...Slurb =OP
Ai que saudades de vocês!
Beijos de novo,
Anonymous, at 24/2/08 14:03
Bebel parecia estar adorando! :P
Mais 1 inverno, e ela vai curtir mais "interativamente" essa neve branquinha...
Sasha me lembrou Barone naquele video dela correndo..o mesmo corpinho de barril e a cara alegre!
(Sorry Mike, I am too slow at the moment to post comments in English)
Rod, at 25/2/08 02:38
Agora eu consegui assistir \O/
Muito, mas muito engraçado mesmo os videos...Amei! Pode nos presentear com mais videos comeo estes que a gente aqui se diverte, e ao mesmo tempo sente saudades!
Beijos para todos!
Anonymous, at 25/2/08 09:17
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